Ginger TEA ½" piece of Ginger (Adrak) (crushed)
3 tsp. of any Pakistani Tea Leaves (Loose Tea)
½ tsp. of Aniseeds (Sounf)
1 tbsp. of Basil Leaves (Tulsi Ke Pattay)
Sugar (to taste)
¾ cups of Milk
1 ½ cup of Water
1) Put water in a small pot on medium heat. To the water add the ginger, basil leaves and aniseeds. And bring the water to a boil. Reduce heat and let it simmer on medium heat for about 5 minutes with the pot partially covered.
2) Add the sugar, tea and milk to the water. Bring to another boil and let simmer for another minute. Remove from heat.
3) Strain tea and serve hot.